Bernheim Original Barrel Proof Wheat Whiskey, B924

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

Bernheim Original Kentucky Straight Wheat Whiskey Barrel Proof bottle, Batch B924, 122.6 proof, 61.3% alcohol by volume.

Here we are with the first post of the new schedule. I’m not going to lie; it felt really weird not writing for y'all last night. Instead, I did things like hang out with my wife and read a book. It was nice—strange, but nice.

If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ve probably heard me gush about my love of science fiction. Whether it’s TV, movies, or books, I’ve been a fan for a very long time. One of the early greats of the genre is Isaac Asimov. I just finished watching the second season of Foundation on Apple TV+, and it put me in the mood to read that series of books again. So I started last night—dug out my 40-year-old copy of The Complete Robot and read a few short stories.

It’s something I do every couple of decades or so. I think the first time I read them was in middle school in the mid-to-late '80s. I did a more complete read-through as a young adult in the early 2000s. And then? There they sat on my bookshelf, almost forgotten, until now. There are certain books that I will just never gt rid of, and the Robot/Empire/Foundation series is among them. Even though some of the parts of it were written almost 75 years ago. It’s fun to read stories about how “the FUTURE” would look from well before the future started—well, at least what I considered the future when I was young. Though I’m not going to lie, the story I read last night could have been written today. In today’s verbiage, it was basically about a group of Google Waymo cars gone, not so much bad, but certainly dealing out righteous justice.

Sometimes, I like going back to old favorites and revisiting them—kinda like I do a couple of times per year with tonight’s whiskey. I’ve never seen it in the wild, but they are kind enough to send me a taste when it comes out so I can tell you about it and hope that if you see it in the wild, you’ll be intrigued enough to buy it.

Bernheim Barrel Proof is a barrel-proof version of the Bernheim wheat whiskey put out by Heaven Hill. It is made from a mash bill of 51% wheat, 37% corn, and 12% malted barley. The whiskeys in this batch range from seven to nine years old. It has been bottled at 122.6° proof.

Let’s see how it tastes, shall we?

Bernheim Original Barrel Proof Wheat Whiskey, B924

Purchase Info: This sample was provided at no cost for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $67.

Price per Drink: $4.47

Nose: Caramel, wintergreen, and toasted grains.

Mouth: Bready, sweet, and spicy with notes of caramel, cinnamon, and oak.

Finish: Medium in length and warmth. Notes of toasted grains, cinnamon, and wintergreen.

Thoughts: This is very tasty. Sweet in the mouth but more dry on the finish. The toasted grain notes read as bready on the mouth, which I'm really enjoying. This is perfectly drinkable neat, even at over 120° proof. All in all, I really like it.

Comparison to last batch: The last batch is much sweeter on the nose and mouth. This batch shows more mint. Last batch is spicier, but the new batch has more layers of flavor. They are both very good, but if forced to choose, I'd go with this current batch because of the depth of flavor.

If you want to support our work at, please consider a one-time donation at or Or you could buy some merch that I’ve designed and/or built (tasting journals, t-shirts, stickers, pins, signs, posters, and more) at Use code BOURBONGUYREADER at checkout for 5% off any order of $50 or more.

Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond, Spring 2024

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

I have been a hurtin’ unit the last couple of days. Spending nine hours shoveling mulch and moving it with a wheelbarrow will do that to an old guy like me. And speaking of wheelbarrows. I noticed something about myself as I was tiredly pushing that wheelbarrow on Sunday. I can’t actually say the word wheelbarrow. Instead, I say wheel-barrel. Even in my head, it’s more like a whiskey container with wheels than the yard and garden implement.

I don’t know if this is an Eric thing, a Northern Wisconsin thing, a redneck thing, or some combination of all three. But it was a weird thing to notice about myself. I’m guessing it is a family thing, which honestly would be a mix of all three. My family has a long habit of making up weird pronunciations for words. My dad would “trace” things instead of chasing them. His mom would ask me to make her a “hand sammich” when she went camping with us (instead of a ham sandwich). I guess I come by it naturally.

Anyway, let’s move over to tonight’s bourbon, shall we? Tonight we are looking at the most recent release in the Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond series. One of the few bottles that are over $100 that my wife would probably purchase just for the bottle. This is really weird to me as we have an empty bottle of the vintage design that these were based on. Of course, you don’t get really tasty whiskey with that vintage empty, either, so maybe that’s why.

Quoting from the press release now:

“Heaven Hill's stewardship of the Old Fitzgerald brand over the past quarter century has honored the legacy of John E. Fitzgerald," said Heaven Hill Master Distiller Conor O' Driscoll. "The Spring release showcases the premium quality and craftsmanship of Old Fitzgerald which has been cherished by fans, not just for decades, but for generations.”

These are usually really tasty, so let’s see if this one stacks up.

Old Fitzgerald Bottled-in-Bond, Spring 2024

Purchase Info: This 200 mL sample was provided at no cost for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $139.99 for a 750 mL bottle.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $9.33

Details: 50% ABV. 10 years old.

Nose: Oak, caramel, cherry, vanilla, and hint of mint.

Mouth: Caramel, vanilla, chocolate, nutmeg, and oak.

Finish: Warm and of medium length with a lot of baking spice notes.

Thoughts: This is delicious. It's warm and spicy all the way through with a lot of baking spice. It is sweet and tasty. It’s more than I’d want to spend on a bottle of bourbon, but I do like this. A lot.

Somebody get me a wheel-barrel full. Or not. I can’t even imagine what that would cost.

If you want to support our work at, please consider a one-time donation at or Or you could buy some merch that I’ve designed and/or built (tasting journals, t-shirts, stickers, pins, signs, posters, and more) at Use code BOURBONGUYREADER at checkout for 5% off any order of $50 or more.

Elijah Craig Barrel Proof, B524

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

IMAGE: A bottle of Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Proof: 130.6, Age: 12 Years, Batch No: B524, Alc/Vol: 65.3%, placed on a wooden surface outdoors.

Ok. So I use ChatGPT to write the Alt Text description for the cover images because I am always a bit amazed at what it pulls from the photo that I don’t think about mentioning. I don’t need to count the words, I just say “Summarize this photo in 150 characters or less” and it spits out something that works. (If you were unaware, Alt Text is the short bit of text that is included in the website code so that the image is adequately described for those who use a screen reader. I mean it’s an easy thing to include, why would I want to alienate someone from reading my writing just because they don’t see as well as I do?)

So I was doing that and, as I often do, I asked it to come up with something on the fly. I’m old enough that these Large Language Models are basically magic to me (much like VCRs, personal computers, the internet, and streaming video were before it). Because I will spend much of the weekend moving eight cubic yards of mulch from my driveway to our garden, I asked it to write something lamenting that fact that then transitions into the intro to this review. I didn’t expect the AI to write anything that I would use, but it was the thing on my mind. I learned a long time ago that as a creative person, sometimes you need to work through a bad idea so your brain can give up on it in order to move on to a good one. In my puny human brain, I thought that maybe I could outsource that step to the AI. But then the damn thing wrote a poem. And for some reason, I found that mildly amusing. And so, since we’ve been covering Elijah Craig Barrel Proof three times a year since 2019, I figured, I would share that poem. I mean, you guys know what is going on with this product by now.

A Mulch Mover's Lament

In the sweltering heat of June, I toiled,
Eight cubic yards of mulch, sweat-soaked and soiled.
With every shovel's lift and wheelbarrow's haul,
My weary muscles strained, yet stood tall.

The sun bore down, unyielding in its glare,
Each mound of mulch seemed a mountain to bear.
Blisters formed and my back cried out in pain,
Yet onward I pushed, again and again.

The scent of fresh earth filled the air around,
A bittersweet reminder of the task so profound.
As hours stretched on and shadows grew long,
My strength began to waver, though my will remained strong.

But as the final pile was spread and laid,
A sense of accomplishment gently stayed.
Exhaustion gave way to a quiet pride,
In the garden's transformation, far and wide.

A Well-Deserved Reward

After such a grueling day of laborious care,
A moment of respite was beyond compare.
I reached for a bottle, rich and profound,
Elijah Craig Barrel Proof, a treasure to be found.

With its deep amber hue and robust grace,
This bourbon promised a sensory embrace.
At 130.6 proof, it stood bold and tall,
A spirit to savor as evening began to fall.

Join me as I uncork this barrel-aged delight,
And journey through flavors, rich and bright.
From mulch to masterpiece, the day's work now done,
Let's explore this bourbon, sip by glorious sip, one by one.

Ok. See? This shit is weird. Which is why I like to play with it. I honestly didn’t even consider a poem. And by the way, because I drink a lot of bourbon, the pain it references will be there, but muscles standing tall? Not so much.

Anyway, let’s see if this beast of a bourbon is any good, shall we?

Elijah Craig Barrel Proof, B524

Purchase Info: This sample was provided at no charge by the producer for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $74.99.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $5.00

Details: 65.3% ABV. 11 years, 2 months.

Nose: Vanilla, caramel, cinnamon, cherry, chocolate, and oak.

Mouth: Vanilla, caramel, cinnamon, chocolate, nutmeg, oak, and a hint of mint.

Finish: Long and warm with lingering notes of nutmeg, allspice, and chocolate.

Thoughts/Comparison to last time: The noses are very similar with A124 showing the same notes, just more pronounced. B524 is sweet, spicy, and very hot. A124 feels almost cool by comparison and shows more cherry/fruit in the mouth. B524 is very "stereotypical bourbon” in the best possible way and I am loving it. Both are delicious but give me B524 if I get to choose.

If you want to support our work at, please consider a one-time donation at or Or you could buy some merch that I’ve designed and/or built (tasting journals, t-shirts, stickers, pins, signs, posters, and more) at Use code BOURBONGUYREADER at checkout for 5% off any order of $50 or more.

Larceny Barrel Proof, B524

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

This will be the fourteenth look at Larceny Barrel Proof. We’ve been reviewing and enjoying it since the beginning. That said, I was thinking that maybe we’ve done it a little too often.

Then, I looked at the analytics. You guys really seem to enjoy them. Or rather, Google does. In any case, these Heaven Hill Barrel Proof reviews get a lot more traffic than others, so I’m just going to keep riding it. Plus, it’s a whiskey that I don’t have to buy. And I like not buying whiskey almost as much as I enjoy drinking whiskey. When I was growing up, when asked what his favorite beer was, my uncle would always say “free.” As I get older, I see more and more wisdom in that statement.

Anyway, like I said, we’ve looked at this thirteen times previously, so you all know what is going on. Let’s just jump into the review.

Larceny Barrel Proof, B524

Purchase Info: This sample was provided by Heaven Hill for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $64.99

Price per Drink (50 mL): $4.33

Details: 62.7% ABV. 6-8 years old, per the press release

Nose: Cinnamon, brown sugar, and oak.

Mouth: Black tea, cinnamon, chocolate, and floral notes.

Finish: Warm and on the longer end of medium with notes of cinnamon, oak, mint, and chocolate.

Thoughts/Comparison to last time: B524 shows more sweet cinnamon on the nose. On the mouth, I'd say that B524 is sweeter and more vibrant, while A124 is richer in flavor. Both are good, and my wife and I are split over which one we like better. I prefer the rich caramel and oak notes of A124, while she prefers the sweet and vibrant B524. But I like both and this one gets a smiley face from me.

If you want to support our work at, please consider a one-time donation at or Or you could buy some merch that I’ve designed and/or built (tasting journals, t-shirts, stickers, pins, signs, posters, and more) at Use code BOURBONGUYREADER at checkout for 5% off any order of $50 or more.

Bernheim Barrel Proof, A224

I’d like to thank Heaven Hill for providing this review sample with no strings attached.

I had my weekly allergy injection this afternoon, and it is knocking the shit out of me tonight. So, let’s jump right into the review, shall we? Luckily for all of us, tonight’s whiskey is another of Heaven Hill’s Barrel Proof series of whiskeys, and since we’ve covered the other two during the last couple of weeks, we should all be up to speed on them. Or at least close enough.

Bernheim Barrel Proof is, as the name suggests, a barrel-proof version of Heaven Hill’s Bernheim Wheat Whiskey. The mash bill is 51% wheat, 37% corn, and 12% malted barley. This batch was aged between seven and nine years before being bottled at 125.2° proof. The A224 designation means that this is the first batch (A) of 2024 (24), and it was released in February (2). The suggested retail price is $64.99.

Let’s see how it tastes.

Bernheim Barrel Proof, A224

Purchase Info: This bottle was provided by the producer for review purposes. The suggested retail price is $64.99.

Price per Drink (50 mL): $4.33

Details: 62.63 ABV. Mash bill: 51% wheat, 37% corn, 12% malted barley. Aged 7-9 years.

Nose: Nutty and floral with caramel and oak.

Mouth: Spicy, floral, and nutty with cinnamon, caramel, mint, cherry, and oak.

Finish: Hot, spicy, and on the longer side of medium length. Notes of toasted nuts, cinnamon, and cherry.

Thoughts: Hot, spicy, and nutty are the three words I would use to describe this. It's quite good, but not quite as good as the Larceny or Elijah Craig Barrel Proof whiskies. This doesn't have the same level of richness that they do. But if you like a nutty whiskey, then this is one for you.

Comparison to B923: A224 is much more vibrant on the nose. A224 is nuttier and hotter in the mouth, but B923 is much sweeter. I'd personally pick B923 if given the choice because it is a little gentler if such a thing can be said about something that is over 120° proof.

If you want to support our work at, please consider a one-time donation at or Or you could buy some merch that I’ve designed and/or built (tasting journals, t-shirts, stickers, pins, signs, posters, and more) at Use code BOURBONGUYREADER at checkout for 5% off any order of $50 or more.