Bourbon Trail Distillery Tour Review: Maker's Mark

It was raining by the time we left Heaven Hill. The other tour we were planing to take this day was Maker’s Mark. We expected that by the time we got down there we would be too late for the next tour and would need to wait around. It was still raining when we got to Maker’s Mark. The tour was just leaving the building where they start and we were told to tag along. 

The first thing we got to see was an old house that the founders of the company once lived in. We were told that nothing really is done with it, but that they show it off now and then. We were then given a bit of the history of the company. How the original company president had inherited a recipe that was terrible and he set out to find a better one with the help of his wife the bread baker. Nice story, some of it might even be true.

After that we enter a beautiful building. Large, exposed timber frame beams holding up the building. This place was beautiful. There was a portion of the column still showing through the floor and the decorative spouts that the distilled spirits flowed through on it’s way to the holding tanks or the doubler still. 

Next we were led into the room that holds the fermenting tanks. They used a mixture of wood tanks and stainless. The tour guide didn’t let us see the stainless ones, claiming these looked more interesting. 

After the fermenting tanks the tour guide stopped for questions. One person asked about the origins of bourbon. (This leads me to believe that they didn’t show the normal movie at the beginning.) The tour guide fumbled for her words a bit before saying that Bourbon was the name of the French kings and the people who originally came to Kentucky were French so they named the drink after the king. If this is the truth then every other distillery lied to us. Or the tour guide was no good off script.

For the next stop, we were taken to an aging warehouse. This was a showplace of a warehouse. Like most of them, you could tell that this was set up for people to see. There were decorative barrels commemorating the last barrel under the old president and the first under the new. We got a small lecture including the tip that they rotate the barrels around the warehouses to ensure even climactic conditions. 

I guess this means no single barrel Maker’s since this would theoretically minimize the barrel to barrel differences.

You walk through the warehouse after the lecture and walk into the gift shop. This was the coolest part of the tour. This place is a cross between a mall store and the coolest night club you can imagine. There should have been some jazz playing over the speakers and a Playboy Bunny serving you drinks. All honey colored wood and red accents. The thing I liked best was the ability to dip your own bottle. I did a terrible job, but will aways have the memento of the trip. 

Overall, the tour was short, didn’t go into many details or show you much. The tour guide didn’t know anything but what she was coached to say and as such made me wonder if anything she said was accurate. But the place was gorgeous and I recommend taking the tour just to see it and hope for a more knowledgeable tour guide. You get a tasting at the end and the product is good. In any case go into the gift shop and buy a bottle to dip. It is the coolest and most prized souvenir I have from the entire bourbon trail trip. This was not a bad tour. I think we just got a bad tour guide.

Bourbon Trail Distillery Tour Review: Heaven Hill

It’s raining. Oh boy, is it raining. I’m sitting in the hotel because I don’t have anything planned until 10 am. I need to be at Heaven Hill at 10 to fulfill my reservations for the Behind the Scenes tour. It’s a $25 tour. Per person, but I think it’s going to be worth it. This one doesn’t have a distillery in it, just aging warehouses and a bottling facility. But, we didn’t get to see the bottling facility on the other in depth tour so it’s all good.

It’s 9:15. I’m impatient. It’s going to be a good day. I can feel it. And I really want to get it started. So I do. It’s not even a ten minute drive away from the hotel so I drive around for a while. Driving in the rain isn’t very exciting, unless it is. Then it get’s a bit too exciting. So I go back to the parking lot and just wait. It’s less than a half hour, I have the iPad, so I’m set for a while.

At about 9:55 people start gathering around the door. I’m thinking that I better get up there too. My tour starts as soon as the doors open so it doesn’t hurt to be up there when they do.

When the doors open at ten a older gentleman says to us: “Who’s here for a tour. We have a deluxe tour starting at 10:10. Here’s a sticker to show you’re on the tour. What’s your name? Where are you from?” He works his way through the group until he gets to my wife and I. 

“I actually have reservations for the Behind the Scenes tour.” 

He frowns. “Well, I have some bad news for you. We aren’t running that tour today. Whoever took that reservation shouldn’t have” I’m thinking he’s kidding. Trying to be funny. Why would a company take your reservation, email you a confirmation and then not contact you if the tour was cancelled?

“But I received an email confirmation. It has today’s date and this time.” I counter. 

“Sorry. Do you want to go on the Deluxe Tour? What’s your name? Where are you from?”

Well, I want to do a tour at each so I decide to try to make the best of it. My wife is extremely upset. She doesn’t think that good customer service is too much to ask or that bad should be rewarded. She has a good point, but it’s my call so I decide to move ahead with what we’re handed. 

Compared to the other tours, what we are handed is not very much. (Looking back, I hope that my experience was not colored too much by my disappointment.) The tour starts out as they all do, with a movie. It is basically a big commercial for their business with a bit of history of Bourbon and Kentucky thrown in for good measure. Not a bad movie. But, I’m still upset, otherwise I might actually enjoy it.  

After the movie we get up and follow the tour guide outside. We walk along a path that has very pretty flowers along it to a crosswalk where we cross the street to go into an aging warehouse. Along the way the guide is giving us a bit more of the history of the company and a run down on the products they make.  

Once we get into the warehouse, I’m immediately less mad. Who could be upset with the wonderful smell that surrounds you when you are in a building like that? This is a good warehouse tour. Every company handles their barrels a different way. Some store them in one spot for 10 years, others rotate them as they age so they get the benefits of all the various climactic conditions in the building.

Then it is back outside and back across the street. Another run down of the products they make. Or actually a continuation. They make a lot of stuff.

Once we are back in the center the guide proceeds to show us the signage inside the building. The parts of the tour that you could see on a self guided walk through the building. 

Finally it is time for the tasting. Now, this part really is really well done. Heaven hill really goes in depth to make sure you know what you are tasting and quizzes you on the flavors. To show you that you really don’t have the training to taste for a living, they test you on two scents that are stored in small vials at your seat. Most folks get them wrong. I did.

After you smell the samples and look at them in the light you are allowed to taste them. Really well done. The only part I really don’t like is the contestant sales pitch about other products. But I can forgive it in light of the quality of the tasting.

Then on to the gift shop to give them some of my money. You know reward them for the disappointment. 

So, overall I probably wouldn’t do this tour again. I’d probably just go into the gift shop to get my passport stamped and visit the gift shop. Especially if you are taking other tours. A movie, an aging warehouse, an explanation of the self guided tour signs and a tasting were not really worth my entire morning. 

I still think that the Behind the Scenes tour sounds great, but I probably won’t try again. If you do, please call ahead to confirm that you actually have a tour. After the tour guide asked who took my reservation (I didn’t answer, I didn’t know) he told me that the person tried to get ahold of me, but couldn’t. Strange since they were able to get ahold of me to send me the email confirmation. 

So far, not a good day.

Bourbon Trail Distillery Tour Review: Wild Turkey

The second distillery we visited was the Wild Turkey distillery. I wasn’t expecting much from this one to be sure. I’d read a few things that had made me almost decide to skip it altogether. That would have been a mistake. This was a good tour. 

It is a fairly short drive from Versailes to Lawrenceburg. Warm sun makes for a cheerful drive. The drive ends just after the bridge over the Kentucky River gorge. On the other side was a big sign welcoming us to Wild Turkey. Turn the corner, make a left and you’re there. 

The gift shop is a small house. Brown painted trim and a rocking turkey greet you at the front door. That’s right, a rocking turkey. The gift shop is comfortably run down. Not like they don’t care,  it looked like it was intentionally so. The staff is dressed comfortably in t-shirts, work shirts and one had a pull over windbreaker. Not going to feel under dressed at this one. I’m immediately very comfortable. 

The next tour was about to start so I get my name on the list and look around for a bit. I see some bottles where you can get personalized labels. I make a note to pick one up later. 

The tour starts with a bus ride to the newly opened new distillery. On the way the tour guide apologizes for not having the landscaping finished yet. But says that they wanted to make sure we got to see the inside anyway. We are shown the grain receiving area and the silos where it is held until needed. This was certainly a bigger operation than Woodford Reserve. 

We went inside, went up the stairs and watched a movie starring Jimmy and Eddie Russell, the Master distiller and his assistant/son. After the movie we turn and look through the windows along the right side of the movie room and are shown the yeast cooker and the mash cooker through the windows. 

After that we leave the movie room and are shown to the fermenting room. Wild Turkey had the strangest looking fermenting product. It looked like brains on top and was the only distillery that had that pattern occurring. There were at least 20 30,000 gallon fermentation tanks (i have a photo of number 20, but there may have been more). The fermentation room smelled great. I love the smell of the fermentation rooms in these places. 

Through another window we are shown a control room where two employees can run the entire plant. Big plant for only two employees. That’s a lot of automation. 

The next part of the tour is the still. You can see and get a brief explanation of how the column still works (once again through glass). While we were looking through the windows, Master Distiller Jimmy Russell stops over and thanks us all for taking the tour. I don’t know if the does that for all the tours, but it was a nice touch. He seemed like a very nice guy.

Next we go back down stairs and across the parking lot to the barreling center. This is a pretty cool assembly line looking place (no assembly, it just looked like there should have been) where empty barrels come in off of one truck work their way through a series of conveyors and end up at the filling station. After that they go back out the door and into another truck which will take them to an aging warehouse. 

Speaking of which that’s where we went next. We took another short bus ride down to the old distillery where there are still a lot of barrels aging. We got a very quick tour of the grounds and entered the rick house. Once again you are hit with the excellent smell of old oak and alcohol. Angel’s Share smells awesome. After a short discussion about how long things are aged it is back to the gift shop for a tasting. 

We get to choose two of six different whiskeys. There are four bourbons, a rye and a bourbon honey liqueur. I got the Russell’s Reserve Rye and the Kentucky Spirit. The wife had the American Honey. We both liked our choices. She liked hers a lot.

After the tasting I bought my bottle of Rare Breed with a personalized label and headed over to the next distillery on the list. 

I liked this tour. The new distillery grounds will be very pretty once the landscaping is done. It was the only tour where we saw barreling actually occurring. The tour guide was very informative, even if he did seem a bit bored by the information itself. Overall, it would have been a mistake to miss this one.